jp-sv22 (104K)


Venting, Warning, Film Review
and Free Song Page


Note to Ignorant C.D. People:

  If you didn't hate me before,
you sure as  HELL  will now!

To all people who have lost loved ones to mass-shootings:  Please do not give up hope.  There are many among us who share your outrage, and want to change this situation.  This webpage is devoted to examining the many dangers that face us as we try to restore sanity and order to this country, so that we may have a chance of defeating the evil geniuses who are perpetrating this madness... and laughing at our pain.

"Balloon Ride
Over Utopian City"

Copyright 1999 by
Charles Adrian Trevino

Dedicated to
People of Vision Everywhere

Hello, and welcome to the FREE COMBO PAGE.  This is a historically unprecedented "concept" webpage in which Charles vents his spleen, issues a warning, reviews a "Hollywood" movie he hasn't actually seen (only I can get away with that), and delivers a fine jazz-rock instrumental song to you, his fellow citizens and victims of betrayal.  No, no, stop it now... quit thanking me!  I'm getting really tired of being so revered by all of you appreciative disciples out there!  Knock it off, now... your dog just pissed on my foot.  Ok, where shall I begin?  Hmmm... why don't we start with the venting part? 

Oh wait, I almost forgot... in order that you may get a better understanding of some of the bizarreries which will be detailed in the forthcoming paragraphs, I am providing the following little glossary of acronyms and terms -- please commit them to memory. 

The D.O's.:   Stands for "Displaced Ones," a group of people who are one of the oldest record-keeping organizations ever to be documented in the annals of civilized history, and who have incurred the wrath of millions, perhaps billions of good people over the aeons due to an inability to separate their bad apples from their good ones and place said bad apples in maximum security prisons, which is the only safe place to keep them, actually.  As a result of this inability, the D.O.'s have been forcibly driven from their place of origin, compelling them to roam throughout the known world astutely observing, studying and documenting the confusions, hazards and pitfalls which the rest of humanity repeatedly fall victim to; this knowledge has enabled the D.O.'s to gain fiscal ascendency over their fellow people-oids who can't seem to get it together, stop fighting with each other and learn how to unite and properly defend themselves against the D.O.'s aforementioned bad apples, who today represent the greatest threat to everyone's sovereignty, sanity... and souls.  This fiscal ascendency has allowed the D.O.'s to establish themselves safely in every country in the world, many of which have tried unsuccessfully to forcibly evict them along with their bad apples; because of their mobility, these people have managed to hybridize themselves with every other race in the known world, to the extent where the majority of them are more genetically related to the people of the countries they have inhabited than the original race they sprang from.  This has occurred to such an extent that the term "D.O." can no longer be defined as a race, but as a state of mind; hence they no longer have any valid claim to their place of origin, a small piece of Planet Earth which their bad apples have managed to usurp from it's present day inhabitants whom they have forcibly repressed, evicted, mocked, insulted, denied suffrage and otherwise abused, all with the approval and assistance of certain other greedy and groveling brutes from other countries who call themselves leaders.  I will presently be expounding on what I believe to be the causes of the D.O.'s general unpopularity and forced dispersal.  NOTE:  it has a lot to do with the evil excesses of the worst of them, the aforementioned bad apples, a ridiculous but exceedingly powerful sub-group which I like to refer to not as the bad apples (after all, a bad apple is easy to get rid of, isn't it?), but rather by a more fittingly apt (aped?) name;  yes, I'm talking about...

jp-ug (45K) The SS-DG's:   Ok, here comes the meat and potatoes, folks:  an SS-DG is a spiritually devoid, rapaciously lustful, disgustingly greedy, insanely paranoid, ultra-vindictive, alarmingly skillful manipulator with the mentality of a lowly rat who, by dint of his complete lack of any vestige of moral awareness or nobility of character, can run rampant over the rest of the D.O.'s and, accordingly, the rest of the world's nations' citizenry as well (that is, if that nation's citizenry is STUPID enough to let this viral rat establish its ilk in their society - which most nations' citizenry are).  If this seems like a mean thing for me to say, I urge you to finish reading this page so that you can get a true understanding of what mean really is; I am about to lay some salient facts out for you in such a fashion that no sane and intelligent person will be able to deny the truth or logic of my revelations regarding these sub-humans, who surely must have sprung from some God-forsaken netherworld of abject, deranged lunacy.  HELPFUL NOTE:  One of the ways these contemptible conqueror-worms can readily be identified is by the shrill, whining phrase they emit as they commit their many repulsive misdeeds, the SS-DG battle-cry:  "He started it!"  ALSO NOTE:  The acronym SS-DG is taken from the initials of two incredibly loathsome, repulsively ugly and obviously self-loathing "genius" entertainment industry moguls who serve as an excellent example of the kind of sub-human hyena that any decent man would disown his own daughter for marrying (or even dating)!  I will presently be offering up my own highly esteemed psychological profiles of these two "legendary" pap-making puppeteers in some forthcoming pages devoted entirely to them... but for the time being, these two ridiculous hyenas can wait; there are more dangerous matters to attend to right now.

1 mean guy (117K) The I.W.M.:   These initials stand for "Ignoble White Man" -- never to be confused with the Noble White Man (N.W.M.), his antithesis. The I.W.M. is usually (but not always) a big, burly, blundering, blustering, bullshitting bear of a person who can come up with the most novel excuses for committing the evilest of crimes against any people not strong or cognizant enough to defend themselves from his animal aggression.  This indelicate asshole has traveled and subjugated much of the world using tools invented by much smarter people, usually (but not always) the N.W.M., whom he will sell out for a nickel.  Some prime examples of the I.W.M. (can be used as a singular or plural expression) would be people with names like Rupert Murdoch, Barry Diller, Clint ________, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, or my old friend "W" (I am now in extremely hot water, folks; I hope you appreciate the danger I put myself in for your sake!).

dg and bc (117K) The SYNTH:   The Synth is short for "The Synthesis."  The Synthesis is an unholy alliance of the two most droolingly covetous, trouble-making, propaganda-spreading, money-inflating, government-corrupting, mass-murdering, planet-polluting, slave-running, woman-beating, butt-sniffing, ass-licking, shit-eating, piss-guzzling belly-crawling dog-faced stinking whining belching farting craphound entities known to mankind, namely the aforementioned SS-DG's and I.W.M.  These two fecal entities will ALWAYS find and collude with one another wherever they are, working in tandem to ensure that this world remains a pleasant place for them to live and watch their extremely high-class MTV and South Park cartoons; that is, when they're not listening to their asinine death-metal or punk-rock "music."  I will be referencing this group of titans as often as I possibly can, time permitting... or not.

The C.D.'s:   The Clueless Dummies.  These people are the real reason the not-so-clueless people have to suffer the abuses of the last three above-defined entities; they are the ones that make it possible for the SS-DG's and the Synth to operate.  There is nothing we can do about these dummies, except try to enlighten them about the predators whom they actually pay to prey on them; this is no easy task, and if you understand these dummies as well as I do, you will see why.  They are completely bereft of vision, preferring to go through life with their eyes literally clenched shut... except for when it comes time to watch the Steven Spielberg movie, you understand.  The biggest danger these people pose is that they ignorantly enrich the SS-DG's that provide their entertainment.  As well as ravenously sucking up that raw sewage, they will also willingly and enthusiastically turn on and try to destroy their would-be saviors, the not-so-clueless people who are trying to help them... people with names like Chucky.

Hmmm... have we missed anybody, yeah?  Don't worry, I'll think up some more terms and acronyms later.  Ok now, are you all ready to roll?  Well then... let's do it!



ct-b1 (47K)

This Part One is going to be, basically, one long continuous scream of outrage in response to just a few of the blatant crimes being perpetrated on all of us by a cabal of fiscally fast-talking and corrupt swindlers in high places who know how to gain your trust, allegiance and even love, as they simultaneously rob you blind of everything you've worked, sweated and struggled to gain, all the while bragging about it via the American media (which they control with a python-like stranglehold).  They're also quite good at tricking you into arguing, contending with, and even killing one another with such a fervor that a rational person would be afraid to question or try to stop them in their quest to take away the weapons which you will need to defend yourself and your loved ones from the crazed animals (whom they themselves created and nurtured via that same American media) that will be at your throats when all hell breaks loose in this country, due to their evil machinations.  Whew... hold on there a second, I'm winded!  Let me catch my breath.

jp-3 (41K) Ok, I'm recovered.  Now, let's continue with the screaming!  HEY YOU PEOPLE-OIDS, I AM HERE TO TELL YOU THAT I'M GETTING SICK TO MY STOMACH watching this country's shameful descent into Satanism, a phenomenon brought about by the above-mentioned slick, evil "hep cats" who attract one another the same way shit attracts flies, feeding on each others' greed, immorality and lust for power and becoming bolder, crazier and more powerful with every advancing step we let them take towards their goal.  Mark my words, when it comes to the art of confusing, dividing and conquering their victims, these wiley jerks from hell are absolute experts.  What they say they want is to make the world a better and safer place to live for everyone, protecting us from the I.W.M. (who is actually their own partner/puppet!).  What they really want is to kill off the N.W.M. and his allies, thereby making it much easier for them to reduce the bulk of humanity to a permanent condition of enslavement similar to the dark medieval ages, giving us just enough freedom to go on laboring and making the things that they need and can't make for themselves, since they're so damn stupid about everything except creating monetary inflation, bribing the right people, and making disgusting idiot movies and music that no decent human being should ever watch or listen to.  Clearly, their goal is to create a global dystopia exactly the opposite of the utopian dream which God intended for mankind to achieve and enjoy, and which I (perhaps naively) believe is still attainable -- that is, if we can learn how to identify, confront and neutralize these walking, talking, rather astute rejects of the human race, who would bring shame even upon a family of pongids.

If you could view these odious creatures' from my perspective, you'd quickly see that they are behind almost all of the bad things happening in this country (and many other countries) today; these slugs will brazenly and impudently commit atrocities such as:

jp-s11 (72K) (1)   flying remote-controlled airplanes into two skyscrapers, then stupidly bringing three towers down in an obviously controlled demolition using pre-planted explosives, blaming the whole murderous deal on a noble freedom-fighting martyr (who was then hunted down like an animal and killed by a highly suspect high-ranking military officer who is still being honored as a hero for doing it), and using this act of murderous treason as an excuse to start a series of profitable wars, killing millions of innocent people while making a ton of money in the process,  all this being done with the apparent blessing, approval, and sanction of our highest government officials, who helped five "dancing" Mossad agents escape back to their country after being captured by police with photographs of themselves celebrating as the aforesaid three towers fell, killing thousands, which "terrorist" act they obviously had a hand in as they were, among many other things, in possession of several items linking them to the incident at the time of arrest, things such as an I.D. card that allowed them access to one of the buildings, and who worked for a moving company that was a known front for said Mossad and other agents from their country (whose owner fled to Israel before he too could be arrested and questioned), who told arresting officers "We are not your problem; the Palestinians are your problem.  Our problems are your problems," (??) whose van contained traces of explosive residue, and who stated upon being interviewed by an Israeli talk show host that they had been sent to New York "to document the event," clearly indicating foreknowledge of said event (I could go on and on for hours about this, people, but I've got a lot other very interesting things to talk about too, so I won't... for now);

(2)   organizing and financing caravans of distressed immigrants from strife-torn countries to storm this country's borders after ruining aforesaid country's economies, offering them ridiculously over-priced "free" health care, medicine and other benefits, in order to get this country hopelessly indebted to them (SS-DG's) to the point where we have to accept their usurious loans so we can pay them just the interest on their previous loans, never touching the principal debt; these Pongids do not care about all the horrible things that happen to said desperate immigrants as they try to make their way to this country, whether they get robbed, beaten, kidnapped, enslaved, murdered; they do not care if these immigrants suffer and even perish in detention centers; jp-sv7 (120K) they do not care if frightened young children get separated from their parents due to their evil conspiracy;  they do not care if a man and his baby daughter drown in the Rio Grande attempting a desperate night crossing; they do not care if people who are just trying to do their jobs protecting the borders get villifed and have their reputations ruined by the media; they do not care if honest working immigrants who are already here get insulted, threatened, attacked and beaten up by disgruntled, media-believing, knee-jerk racist morons who hate them whether they are here legitimately or not; in fact these SS-DG hyena love it when such things occur, because they can then blame them on a President who wants to try to halt this process (for whatever reasons) as they attempt to oust that President and install a more tractable one who won't try to screw up their evil usurious plans (I am not trying to defend this President, who can't or won't acknowledge that flying two airplanes into two buildings will not disintegrate said two buildings in a matter of seconds, let alone a third building that wasn't even hit by an airplane, who maintains and exacerbates murderous hostilities against the innocent countries which the aforementioned three-tower-toppling, caravan-financing SS-DG's obviously set up to take the blame, and who cultivates a groveling relationship of obsequious servility to these evil SS-DG's, providing them with money and weaponry, even as other SS-DG's do their best to try to impeach him (go figure that one out -- don't worry, I'm going to be helping you with that);

jp-sv21 (185K) (3)   driving troubled younger (and older!) citizens to a state of hopeless despair as they observe and experience all of the bad things happening today in the corrupt crap-hound world they sadly inherited, bad things which have been brought about by the constant manipulative exertions of the SS-DG's (with the able assistance of the I.W.M., of course).  Many of these troubled youngsters have seen fit to acquire fearsomely effective weapons, using them to enthusiastically mow down large groups of largely helpless people, quite often at schools or places of worship; this helps the SS-DG's in their goal of disarming said largely helpless people and rendering them totally helpless to such acts of insane violence.  NOTE:  If you don't think that the madness, hate and violence packaged jp-11 (179K) in the wretched entertainment offerings (i.e., movies, video games, "rock and roll" lyrics, etc.) that are being shoved down the public's throat today by the SS-DG's (who are 100% responsible for said wretched offerings, in spite of any claims they may make to the contrary) have anything to do with the aforementioned mass shootings, then you probably don't think much at all.  It's time to start thinking, clueless dummy!  2nd NOTE:  I will be generously, courageously and eleemosynarily helping you learn how to properly start that thinking process in the pages of this website, which I've now decided to devote entirely to (a) helping people become more aware of the predatory elements in their midst; and (b)  dispensing good, solid ideas as to how we can neutralize those predatory elements and try to revert this country back to a state of sanity.  In fact, I'll be commencing with that shortly, but right now let's continue detailing  just a few of the evil things these pit vipers do, things like:

(4)   forcing people who were born or grew up in a very nice place (such as certain areas of Southern California) out of that very nice place by manipulating the economy, real estate market, and other instruments of SS-DG control to drive mortgages, insurance prices, and property taxes up to levels affordable only by the upper-middle and upper classes, a process they call gentrification (the renewal and rebuilding which accommodates the influx of affluent people into deteriorating [and not so deteriorating] areas, displacing earlier less wealthy residents).  jp-5 (229K) A textbook example of this sad trend can be seen in places such as La Jolla, California, where ostentatious mansions (which have completely usurped the nice more affordable houses once available) now line the twisted and convoluted streets, blocking the view of the ocean in many places.  Gentrification is actually a process that will occur naturally as the monied population increases and moves into the nicest places available to them; my objection to this process is that the "monied population" is rapidly starting to take on an almost exclusively SS-DG face -- which, in my humble opinion, is not a good thing because, besides all of the other cretinous things they do, these scumbuckets are currently busily engaged in the process of:

(5)   arrogantly and belligerantly trying to destroy Christianity and other non-SS-DG religions (along with the peace and hope that such religions provide to the many troubled peoples of this imperfect world), replacing them with their Godless, Godforsaken, God-hating, and God damned religion (i.e., the worship of Satan, mammon, craven images like their cartoon mouse-God or their Golden Calf, or whatever they call that thing, etc.), while infiltrating and corrupting the Christian movement (American evangelist leaders support Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister whose reaction to hearing about the above-mentioned "twin" tower terrorist attack which killed thousands of Americans went something like this:  "It's good... it will generate sympathy for Israel").  The fact is, these reptiles are diametrically opposed to the philosophy of Jesus the Christ, whom they beat, tortured, and mocked after nailing him up on a cross -- an offense which they are still trying to pass off as a Roman undertaking as they twist, distort and dismember the original message of Jesus, a man who preached brotherly love but despised the SS-DG's of his time (for some strange reason).

(6)   actually, let's stop here for now, 'cause I've got to proceed with the rest of this tirade; suffice it to say, these things from hell never stop in their quest to ruin everything they see... they never stop.  They NEVER STOP.  Therefore, since they're never going to stop themselves, it is up to the smartest and noblest of us to try to stop them.  The problem is, both we and the D.O.'s carry a lot of baggage, namely the above-described C.D.'s, who can't seem to live without their candy-coated SS-DG dogshit staples.

Which reminds me... I've got to do a little film review, as I promised you.  Ok, hmmm, what's a good example of a classic SS-DG movie?  Steven Spielberg's puke-worthy rendition of the 1963 classic, West Side Story?  Naw, that one's not out yet... I'll deal with that one in due time, rest assured.  How about his "Saving Private Ryan", a multi-million dollar grossing movie which is one long blatant gloat about how easily the SS-DG's forced a screamingly unwilling U.S. into World War Two (they took us into World War One, too!  The old "one-two," eh guys?), in spite of the efforts of the visionary Charles Lindbergh, who is still being reviled in SS-DG movies today?  I seem to remember reading that this movie pulled in somewhere in the neighborhood of $625 million... Spielberg's donation to the descendants of the soldier's killed in World War Two?  Zero dollars!  No, I'll be reviewing Private Ryan later.  Well then, how about we do Universal Pictures' "The Hunt," hmmm?  You know, that movie about a bunch of SS-DG's who hunt down and slaughter some white people (because they were wearing some of those "Make America Great Again" hats, no doubt).  Naw, nix that one also, for now.  That one deserves its own separate page... and it will get what it deserves, very soon. 

Hold on a second, I'm thinking hard... wait, wait... Ah, voila! I've got it! 


jokerboy (74K)



Of the Warner Bros. Epic Blockbuster


Starring Charles Adrian Trevino
(A Dreamworks Production)

Ha ha ha!  Just jokin' there, guys... don't get livid.  Actually, this is a movie starring some typical Hollywood no-talent has-been desperate to keep his name in lights who goes by the name of Joaquin Piss-Shitz, or Scumbag Phoenix, or... I dunno', something like that.  It also stars another aging has-been desperate for attention (and even more millions) who used to go by the name of Robert De Niro... I think he just changed it to Robert the Zero or something like that, I'm not sure (I am going to get beat up by old Zero for saying that).  The Joker, an epic blockbuster, has apparently garnered this rising phoenix guy an Oscar nomination -- that's how good an actor he is!  The plot goes something like this:  um, actually, there's not much of plot at all, a la Steven Spielberg movies; I think its about some character from a Batman comic or something, a character who actually bears no resemblance whatsoever to this disgusting figment of some moronic SS-DG's creatively ignoble imagination.  As I shouldn't have to tell you, this movie is absurdly stupid, devoid of any interesting plot, packed with bad actors, and ultra-violent.  NOTE:  I actually did see an earlier version of this movie... for about 10 minutes, before I was forced to turn off the video player due to extreme nausea.  joke-1 (62K) I believe I rejected that one after watching the Joker place a ball-point pen on a table pointing straight up, then grab some poor guy's head and violently shove it down onto the pen so hard it appeared to have gone through his brain!  And this was some ten or fifteen years ago I saw that!  You don't have to be no Sherlock Holmes to deduce that this newest rendition is meant to top its predecessor in glorious gory-ous bloodletting -- and from what I understand, in that respect it did not disappoint the mentally retarded cretins who rushed to their nearest AMC or Loews theater and actually paid money to see it.  Hey man, what's life for anyway if not to have a good time?

As I mentioned before, I haven't actually seen this note-worthy epic because... well hell, like I always say, if you've seen one SS-DG movie you've seen 'em all!  For that reason I'm not really going to spend a lot of time talking about this mindless idiot movie with its ignoble actors, that was tailor-made for C.D. dumbfuxx.  What I want to talk about is the rather mild (all things considered) reaction to it from family members of the people who were mindlessly mowed down at another Batman movie a few years back in Aurora, by some SS-DG media-crazed gunman who was so inspired by all of this great cinema that he showed up for his dirty deed all dressed up like the Joker!  Or so the story goes...

It seems to me these bereaved people weren't too upset about all the SS-DG media violence that caused the death of their loved ones... in fact, some even said it was a good movie!  Their main concern seems to be whether Warner Brothers should donate some money to the people trying to stop the NRA from trying to stop the SS-DG's and I.W.M. from taking away our right to own guns, which will leave us all helplessly at the mercy of insane clowns like the Joker and, well... the loser joozers who run Warner Brothers  (I am going to get perforated by some dirt-cheap attack drone for saying that -- even though its the gospel truth).  Hmmm... am I some kind of deranged joker for thinking that maybe the SS-DG's are actually putting out these movies to incite impressionable young people to commit mass murders, so they can use that as an excuse to pass laws to take away our right to bear arms and defend ourselves from them, while making enormous profits too?  I must be mad.  NOTE:  To all the heartbroken people who have lost loved ones in such insane incidents, I offer the following maxim:  Guns don't kill people... people kill people.  And studies have shown that people, especially troubled younger people, are heavily influenced by the violent movies (and music) they are bombarded with on a daily basis.  The fact is, machine-guns that spit out hundreds of bullets per minutes have been around for a long time, but people (not Al Capone people) never started hosing each other down until the SS-DG's recently started changing the face of entertainment, especially cinema (if you ever watch an older "film noir" movie, you will see a marked difference in the way shootings were depicted back then).  I am not trying to start an arms race here, just trying to point out a simple truth.  And take heart -- these crimes will be avenged.  I foresee a sea change coming, and we are going to get these SYNTH jokerboys running... but there will be nowhere for them to run to this time.

Now, let's take a little look at some of the statements SS-DG-owned Warner Bros., New York Times, L.A. Times,, Entertainment Weekly and made about how important this Joker movie was to society for opening up the door to discussion about, well... the insane media-caused violence that has been plaguing this country as our friends the SS-DG's incite sick, impressionable young people like the Joker to mass-murder!  Here's what BROOKS BARNES and NICOLE SPERLING, two reporters or critics or whatever from the NEW YORK TIMES have to say!  (with comments in parentheses by Charles):

"Oct. 3, 2019 - LOS ANGELES — Hollywood’s latest comic book movie, “Joker,” arrives in multiplexes on Thursday night, and it has all the makings of a juggernaut.  jp-1 (63K) The R-rated film, which portrays the DC Comics villain as sharing the psychological traits of real-life mass shooters, is expected to collect at least $80 million in the United States and Canada by Sunday.  If the film reaches that total, it would give Warner Bros. its biggest non-sequel opening in two years.  “Joker” has artistic legitimacy, having won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival last month.  Its star, Joaquin Phoenix, has been singled out as a surefire Oscar nominee.  (Now you know why the late, great Marlon Brando, who was continually reviled by the SS-DG's, turned down his Oscar award!)

"But “Joker” is also causing deep unease.  Some people, including a few rank-and-file employees on the Warner Bros. lot, worry that the violent, hyper-realistic movie is potentially dangerous... (gosh, those little rank-and-file employees sure are a bunch of scared little sissy nobodies, huh?)

"Amid the critical praise are scorching reviews that use words like “irresponsible.”  The F.B.I. has warned about ugly online chatter surrounding “Joker,” prompting the police in cities including New York and Los Angeles to step up theater security and reigniting the debate over First Amendment rights versus Hollywood accountability.  (Irresponsible?  Is that the understatement of the decade?  Wouldn't "blatantly Satanically evil" be a better term?  I dunno...)

"Warner Bros. has gone on the defensive, (nobly) defending its (virtuous) actions:  “It is not the intention of the film, the filmmakers or the studio to hold this character up as a hero,” the studio said in a statement.  jp-sv2 (80K) "Gun violence in our society is a critical issue, and we extend our deepest sympathy to all victims and families impacted by these tragedies.  Our company has a long history of donating to victims of violence, including Aurora, and in recent weeks, our parent company joined other business leaders to call on policymakers to enact bi-partisan legislation to address this (mass shooting) epidemic.  At the same time, Warner Bros. believes that one of the functions of storytelling is to provoke difficult conversations around complex issues."  (Oh I see... these storytellers are not provoking these mass murders ("complex issues"), they just want us to talk about them!  How good of them!)  Now let's continue with BROOKS BARNES and NICOLE SPERLING from the NEW YORK TIMES:

"It was very much the intention, however, to make an audacious, boundary-pushing movie — one that could get people out to movie theaters to buy tickets.   When in doubt, sharpen the edges:  “Joker” will be followed on Oct. 18 by “Jojo Rabbit,” a Holocaust "dramedy" (??) with slapstick Nazis from Fox Searchlight.  “The Hunt,” about a group of “globalist elites” (i.e., SS-DG's) killing people for sport, would be in theaters now, but Universal canceled its release after mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio.  (Ooh, those evil Nazis!  C'mon guys, let's stop those Nazis and their stupid boring movies and support the “globalist elites" who make such good ultra-violent movies -- our saviors!)

"Joker” actually got its start in 2016, when (SYNTH-man) Todd Phillips told Greg Silverman, then the studio’s president of creative development and production, that he had a wild idea.  Mr. Phillips wanted to make a gritty character study of the Joker... dispensing with the cartoon, buildings-imploding fantasy of most superhero movies and placing the story more squarely in the real world.  “A way to sneak a real movie in the studio system under the guise of a comic book film,” as Mr. Phillips recently recalled in an interview with The Wrap, an entertainment news site.

In particular, Mr. Phillips wanted to give the Joker a new back story, one that ended up making the character strikingly similar to disturbed young men who were perpetrating mass killings in real life, including the one who carried out the Aurora massacre...  As the violence escalates in “Joker,” the character becomes a hero to the disenfranchised.  jp-sv6 (115K) (Gee, I wonder who's disenfranchising everybody?  I know its not the SS-DG's!)  Mr. Silverman and Kevin Tsujihara, then the studio’s chairman, were stunned.  (Sounds like a couple of mighty fine guys, to be so "stunned" like that... but keep reading, folks).  How did Mr. Phillips possibly expect the studio to buy into his idea?  Warner Bros., after all, sold Joker pajamas at Walmart, and the gunman at the Aurora massacre, whose hair was dyed reddish orange, had told the police that he was the Joker!
  But they gave him permission to proceed with the script.  (Sadly,) by the time Warner Bros. began revving up its marketing engines for “Joker” in late August, the cultural and political landscape in the United States had grown even more heated, putting Mr. Phillips’s nice JOKER movie even more on the spot.  Fears about safety in public spaces had increased after a rash of mass shootings, including one at a California agricultural festival and one at a Walmart that left 22 people (who could have actually been lining up to buy some of those neato "JOKER" pajamas) dead.  But Todd Phillips is nothing if not slippery; he handled this sticky situation marvelously by blaming the “far left” for some of the criticisms of his film in an interview with "The Wrap," explaining that OUTRAGE ADDICTS were unfairly attacking his Warner Bros. film as their "controversy du jour" (Phillips speaks french!  I think the French would be so proud to know that this cosmopolitan gentleman is using their language.)  Here's how Teflon Todd dismissed our country's outrage:

jp-9 (45K) “I think it’s because outrage is a commodity, I think it’s something that has been a commodity for a while.  What’s outstanding to me in this discourse in this movie is how easily the far left can sound like the far right when it suits their agenda.  It’s really been eye-opening for me.”  (If you don't like that one, try this non-stick statement from Monsieur Todd):  “The movie makes statements about a lack of love, childhood trauma, lack of compassion in the world.  I think people can handle that message.  Isn’t it good to have these discussions about these movies, about violence?  Why is that a bad thing if the movie does lead to a discourse about it?"  (Yessiree, let's all start discoursing about why we don't need guns to defend ourselves against the SS-DG's, the guys that pay people like Mr. Todd Phillips to help us find a solution to all these mass shooting murders!)

Getting sick of all this yet?  Don't worry, just take some of those air-sickness pills... and let's continue with BROOKS BARNES and NICOLE SPERLING from the NEW YORK TIMES!

jp-sv4 (186K) "In the past, some of Warner’s most lasting hits came by leaning into risk and producing films that wowed audiences while saying something sharp about the broader culture.  Warner Bros. was the studio that made “Natural Born Killers” (1994), about the media’s egging on a couple on a murderous spree... maybe part of the way forward for Warner Bros. was to embrace its rabble-rousing past."  (Oh, good... as long as Warner Bros. doesn't egg any murderous killers on, eh Brooks and Nicole?)

Sh!t, I don't know how much longer I can keep quoting these New York Times critics... I'm starting to feel REALLY sick myself!  But don't worry, I'll just pop a few air-sickness pills and keep going.  Now have this quote from Marty Kaplan, the highly esteemed Norman Lear professor of entertainment, media and society at the University of Southern California:

dj-1 (54K) "Original visions, strange visions — that’s why a lot of us fell in love with the movies in the ’70s,” says Marty.  “There’s starting to be a bit of a return to that as some of the studios look for different, noticeable, sharp.  Who has a bold take on the world that speaks to the part of our psyche that we ourselves don’t understand?”  (Gee gosh, I am so thankful that U.S.C. hires guys like professor Marty to set us straight about these "bold take" guys who understand our psyches so well; thanks, K.U.S.C.!  NOTE:  That's a little "inside" joke there... if you go have a listen to classical music radio station KUSC you might "get it" -- but don't go now!  Finish reading this webpage first -- if you can bear to.)

Warner Bros. agreed in March 2018 to make “Joker,” with the studio’s new marketing chief, Blair Rich, emerging as a vocal proponent and Toby Emmerich, the new chairman of the movie division, judging the script as too good to pass up, according to four people involved in the project, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to maintain relationships.  (Sheee, I wish I could maintain a relationship... perhaps I'd better take a tip from these four people and start publishing under a pen name!)

Mr. Tsujihara resigned under pressure in March, leaving some executives in the movie division reeling.  Warner Bros. has also struggled at the box office in recent months; it's less violent offerings such as “The Goldfinch,” “Shaft” and “The Kitchen” weren't very profitable.  (Dummies!  They should have got Phoenix and good ol' Zero to enhance those boring loser movies!  But don't worry, because “It:  Chapter Two” (based on a typically moronic Stephen King [SYNTH-man] sit-com novel, I believe) is a success, with ticket sales of about $423 million to date... but damn... the first “It” film took in $700 million, and was a huge hit in Israel, from what I hear.  Gee, those Israeli C.D.'s sure do love their American Kings!)

Most theater chains have declined to comment on this (insanity).  The National Association of Theater Owners refused to speak directly about “Joker,” as did AMC, the nation’s largest theater owner.  However, The Alamo Drafthouse chain bluntly reminded its customers that “Joker” is not a typical comic book movie:  “There’s lots of very, very rough language, brutal violence and overall bad vibes,” Alamo gleefully said on social media.  “It’s not for kids, and they won’t like it anyway; there’s no Batman."  (Not for kids?  Oh, I am so grateful they didn't make this movie for doubt Alamo hired extra guards in a noble attempt to stop all those kids who actually saw the movie from buying their tickets, but those guards were simply overwhelmed, so quit blaming Alamo... besides, everybody knows it's those Proud Boys who cause all the violence in this country!  I know this for a fact, because I subscribe to the New York Times.)

Um, speaking of Joaquin Phoenix , here's his reaction when a film critic for a British newspaper asked him at a press conference if he was worried the film might “perversely end up inspiring exactly the kind of people it’s about, with potentially tragic results”?  Phoenix:  "Wait, I gotta' go find my SS-DG handler to see how I should answer that."  Then old Joaguin high-tailed it out of the room.  The critic, Robbie Collin, said it took “an hour’s peace-brokering” with a Warner Bros. publicist to resume the conversation, which gave Joaquin time to find the SS-DG guy who tells him what to say.  Armed with his new script, he deigned to answer the question; here's his very intelligent sounding comment:

“Well, I think that, for most of us, you’re able to tell the difference between right and wrong, and those that aren’t are capable of interpreting anything in the way that they may want to.  People misinterpret lyrics from songs.  They misinterpret passages from books.  So I don’t think it’s the responsibility of a filmmaker to teach the audience morality or the difference between right or wrong.  I mean, to me, I think that that’s obvious.”

“If you have somebody that has that level of emotional disturbance, they can find fuel anywhere,” Phoenix later said to IGN, a video game and entertainment news site.  (This guy should have been an escape artist; he would have shamed Harry Houdini!)

jp-2 (52K) Finally, our esteemed Mr. Phillips throws in his last two cents worth of sagacious wisdom, to wit:  “To me, art can be complicated and oftentimes art is meant to be complicated.  If you want uncomplicated art, you might want to take up calligraphy, but filmmaking will always be a complicated art.”  (Phillips missed his calling; he should have been a publicist defending David Geffen for ejaculating his most profitable shit-band Goons in Poses [um, I meant Guns and Roses] all over the country's airwaves.  Geffen pays better, you know; just ask his friend Keanu Reeves or Paul McCartney  [I may soon be dead for saying that).

And Warner Brothers' last word on the subject?  “Make no mistake:  Neither the fictional character Joker nor the film is an endorsement of real-world violence of any kind,” the studio said in its statement.  (Oh, not to worry, you Warner Brothers pillars of society;  I intend to make no mistake here.)

Joker took the top prize at the Venice Film Festival this year and has resulted in an Oscar nomination for Phoenix.  The film currently has a 76 percent "approval" rating on Rotten Tomatoes (all the world loves a clown, eh [Johnny] Rotten?)  and Joker is on track to earn an estimated $93.5 million at the domestic box office from Friday through Sunday, shrugging off controversy and setting a new record for the biggest October opening ever.  Overseas, Joker will add about $140.5 million from 73 markets, for a massive worldwide total of about $234 million, as audiences rush to see this excellent movie.  Reviews for Joker have been positive, while moviegoers gave it a B+ CinemaScore.

Wow, 234 million dollars!  It must be a really good movie, I think I'll go check it out myself... only out of curiosity, you understand.  $234 million, whew!  The movie only cost $55 million to make!  And here's the amount of money that noble, helpful, generous Warner Brothers gave to charities benefitting families of mass shooting victims:  1 million big dollars!  Way to go Warner Brothers!  You are all paragons of virtue for helping society out the way you do.  I think Todd Phillips, Greg Silverman, Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, and anyone else who helped push this screen gem onto our country's troubled, impressionable youth should be awarded medals in public ceremonies, the way Bill Clinton did with Steven Speilberg!  Let's hear it for THE SYNTH, hip hip hoo-ray!


Aw sheeee, I can't do this anymore; I've run out of air sickness pills.  I'd better quit for now and go get blind drunk or slam some heroin or something, try to forget all this is really happening...  I guess I'm just plain no good.  Just an overly sensitive party-pooping kill-joy pussy, I!  You know what the best recourse is for people who think like me?

jp-12 (37K)

So it looks like its bye bye baby, at least for a little while! 

But hey, wait a minute Charles, what about the free advice and song you said you were going to give us?  Oh, I forgot about that... I was having such a good time writing this piece.  The free advice will have to wait for a while; I believe I have some excellent suggestions as to how to stop the SS-DG's, the SYNTH, and any other azzole-worm-jerks that try to take over this country (and even the entire world!), but I'm going to have to create a separate page for that.  Don't worry, it's coming soon! 

Ok, you people-oids, thank you very much for reading this.  Now you can click the link below to download your free song -- if you don't like it, go listen to The Plasmatics or something.  So long, and good luck... you're going to need it, man.



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Text Copyright 2019 by Charles Adrian Trevino.  "Balloon Ride Over Utopian City" sound recording Copyright 1999, 2019 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   I would like to express my fondest regards to the people who flocked to see THE JOKER, especially in view of our current mass-shooting epidemic; you are extremely classy people, the salt of the earth, and I sincerely hope that no media-crazed joker guns you down.   This is