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XXXXXXXXXXXXXGerry Lopez, Pipeline King (358K)





- Available For Download -

Now Featuring Music Video:

In Praise of
Higher Things

Click the link below to get it for free

Charles Adrian Trevino's music and videos are available for sale through chucktrevino.com only, and will only be sold under the name Charles Adrian Trevino.  Charles does not post anything, including writings, music, music videos or photos, on any other internet medium (such as distrokid,  Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or any "mirror" websites, etc.), under any other name, AND NEVER HAS. 

And Remember:  IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU,  here...  ALWAYS!!  Thank you very much.


love birds (216K)

In Praise of Higher Things

A Music Video by Charles Adrian Trevino

Hello, fellow travellers o'er hell and high waters, this is chucktrevino.com again - that time-weathered, consciousness-heightening, somewhat crude-mannered but still articulately reprobative soul advisory website.  The same chucktrevino.com that selflessly gives away free music, video, "haute literati" journalistic and other priceless gems with devil-may-care reckless abandon;  the same chucktrevino.com  that dispenses free indispensible advice freely, asking nothing in return but that if you can't handle it, don't blame me for your lack of perspicacity;  the same chucktrevino.com  that has been called "one of the last remnants of sanity in a world gone completely bananas!"  (Don't worry too much about the dark implications of that last ominous quote, though, since it was chucktrevino.com  himself that made it  [which shouldn't be allowed...  publishing quotes you make up about your own self, whether as an individual, or some put-on bullpoop online entity...  the opportunities for spurious and biased self-flattery, self-aggrandizement, and greed-driven self-misrepresentation being just too palpably apparent... no matter that, though, for now]). 

What you probably should be very concerned about is this question:  just what the Sam Hill really is going on in the world today?  Even if you circulated exclusively in some kind of perfumed, perfectly gilded upper-upper class social stratum, you still could not have failed to notice, via the news media, the sad societal decay occuring throughout the country and presumably, from what I've heard, the entire world proper.  And if you live in anything other than blindly-carefree, extreme upper-class haut monde (they pronounce it "hot mon-dee," something like that) , forget it man...  you can see it with your own eyes.  You simply can no longer argue the fact that things are going completely to ________ (Beep!  Vulgar italicized euphemism for feces [the ubiquitous "S-word"] has been [reluctantly] censored out here!)! 

You must learn to meekly accept the fact that big-time toxic hazards are unavoidably present everywhere now, and that inflation is so bad that just buying the weekly groceries might set you back for life this time around (unless you're one of them...  i.e., a "high-roller").  Also, the economy is so screwed up in general these days, you'd better pray on your knees to God and Satan that you don't get a toothache, or that some other major big-time expensive issue doesn't befall you, which is quite likely to occur early-on nowadays, given the volume and severity of the aforementioned everpresent toxic hazards  (QUICK AND ACIDULOUS NOTEchucktrevino.com will soon begin providing even more tedious, boring, but quite useful money  (and life)-saving tips on topics such as how to avoid costly dental bills...  and aluminum products that cause Alzheimers;  and brain-degrading toxo-cidal water...  and excessive electromagnetic radiation (EMF) from your spying, graphene-activating cell phones and your other 5G toys...  and nano-sized plastic particles that get everywhere, even past your blood brain barrier (things that do that Dr. Andreas Noack - murdered after warning public twice of graphene hydroxide nano razorblades (169K) just bug the eff-ing "S-word" outa' me)...  and nano-thin-sized, harder-than-hell-itself indestructable graphene-hydroxide-might-as-well-be-razorblades, which appear inexplicably in vaccines (huh?  wha' for?), getting into the bloodstream and causing various interesting health problems, such as myocarditis and internal bleeding to death (kind of hard to avoid that one though, since no health agency seems to want to admit that they're there);  and...

And...  and...  and what's next you bad guys, what should I tip 'em about next, huh?  Oh I forgot, there's going to be flying, bioweapon-dropping, laser-beam shooting, face-recognizing, thought-reading, fully articulate speaking-yelling-screaming-commands-in-any-language humanoid killer drone robots attacking us from Mars or some moon of Jupiter, artificial autonomous A.I. guys capable of surviving interplanetary space travel;  creatures that were created by young, ambitious, and very unwise cultural ignorami uninterested in the humanities - or maybe by some similarly-built weirdo humanoid creeps on another planet, who don't like us too much either.  If you're an intelligent person that's been keeping up even a little bit with recent, current, and future-planned technological breakthroughs, you can more easily imagine what nightmarish problems the confluence of ultra-high technologies will eventually bring about...  unless sensible, responsible (Charles-type) people effect immediate global-scale changes in the ways we govern ourselves regarding high technology.

That won't be easy, with the bad guys steering the global ship;  just observe which bigtime corporations look the other way, or try to condescendingly dismiss or cover it up when all the big-name scientists get together and produce learned manifestos demanding restraint and responsibility in newer tech fields such as artificial intelligence... it's the same bigtime conglomerates that are the most heavily and profitably invested in these new fields! The same people that need these dangerous technologies to keep their victims (us) under their ignoble rule!  And these are the very same people that are rabidly attempting to ramrod us into a future that no sane, real person would want to live in - a hellish, "plastic," worldwide dystopia that they intentionally brought about!  So you see, without informed and concerted effort on the part of us, the victims, it will be just as impossibly difficult to stop doomsday-self-destructo ultra-high-tech buffoonery as it is to stop the very profitable institution of war itself... especially in view of all of their interestingly intertwined tentacles.

That now extremely controversial, albeit seemingly unstoppable phenomenon known as artificial intelligence (A.I.) seems to have become the current rallying cry of the greed-crazed satanists, the well-poisoning nihilists, the mindless, increasingly common, mark of the daily beast business insider predators that just love screwing over their helpless victims (like, you know... me).  I tell you frankly, there is no better way to mark yourself as either an important "insider" bad guy, or a hapless pawn-stooge of some more-important bad guys, than to cavalierly dismiss the dangers of artificial intelligence.  Or flying, autonomous robot things.  Or non-flying autonomous robot things.  Or any stupid futuristic thing that we just don't need and shouldn't even want, but that's gonna' kill us all off anyway (therefore, no need to worry about your killed-off job!), because some blind, greedy waste-product of nepotism wants to make more money than his similarly abject but equally dangerous buddy, Oscar.  I hate to be so snide, but hell, the bad guys are so greedily predictable that it's all almost certainly going to happen;  they'll say that there's no way to stop the runaway train, while they're firing, fining or arresting the brakeman.  It must be a universal thing, this uncompromising, animalistic struggle for supremacy that seems so impervious to reason;  for all we know it's all happened before, with catastrophic aftermath(s), on this or some other world.  Maybe not so long ago either, cosmically speaking.  END OF QUICK ACIDULOUS NOTE). 

Now, let's frame the issues more concisely:  it would seem that our secret but very domineering mad as birds (176K) puppet-masters are either completely and helplessly out of control, or else they've gone mad as birds and don't give a eff-ing (S-word censored) about things like their own reputations and self-esteem, the inevitable consequences of their actions, their descendants' future well-being, their somewhat strained relationships with God, or...  their already astronomical but still rapidly-growing debt to their master, Satan, which debt must be paid, eventually.  But not just yet...  so why bother to think about such unpleasant things now, eh guys?  Mad as birds, if you want my esteemed opinion of these poor lost souls.  They're all on the "Fly Now, Pay Later" plan.  They must be stopped, for their own good as well as for the good of humanity... crazy people don't stop themselves, you know.

But then of course they'll all turn around and try to say that people like me are the loony ones;  I'm the problem-child, I'm the loose cannon motor-mouth who thinks he knows all, but really knows nada squat about anything of real consequence;  which, accordingly, triggers my own righteous indignation, prompting indignant responses such as, "Huh?  Wot?  Excuse me?  Do you knooooow who I am?"  Can you believe some of the bunk these liars are constantly trying to put over?  I mean, for starters, this propensity to label their critics crazy;  who isn't crazy anymore?  Just what formerly sane person wouldn't have been driven straitjacket-certified batty by now, with Child-Punker, from Torrance Library (334K) all the weird ________ (insert "S" word" here) happening everywhere, every two minutes, every time you turn away to look at something else, weird _______ (insert another "S-word" here if you want) is happening there too...  sirens, alarms, yelling, screaming, rude obscene (and obscenely bad) music blasting too loudly, ugly burnt-out cancer-stick butts lying around with their best friends, the ever-present shards of broken glass  (you can't even ride your bike anymore without blowing a tire every other time!) everywhere, everywhere you look, everywhere you go, litter, mindless graffiti and stickers on posts, huge billboards on buses advertising movies that nobody should be legally allowed to even watch!  And I already emoted about the so-called "music" they make you listen to if you want to buy something from their shops...  it just never seems to stop, or even slow down, does it?  I mean it's just like, "hey, hope ya' like this great music we force you to listen to while you shop, and you better get used to wearing those stupid useless masks for the rest of your lives, your kids too ha ha ha!  And take your mandatory vaccine, or you can't go out.  Or maybe you can't go out anyway, we'll decide, ha ha ha!" 

gull flips for nut 1 (152K)
You're damn right I'm mad as birds...  they made me that way!  They're experts at driving people mad as birds!  Take their privately admitted proclivity for ultra-surveillance, for example;  this is one of those issues the bad guys don't want to talk about too much, as it is very revelatory of human character.  I mean, you could separate the people of the world into two distinct classes, couldn't you:  those that can perversely spy on other people in their own homes and not despise themselves for it in the least, and those increasingly rare birds that just can't do things like that.  gull flips for nut 2 (156K) Being not much interested in the former class, I tend to have a hard time accepting my new living situation, after I rather suddenly found myself surrounded by people of the aforementioned (low consciousness) class, people that had recently arrived through rather questionable means.  People who don't think themselves obnoxiously indelicate for discussing their latest $14 million stock market transaction, while riding their bikes down a Southern California beach town boardwalk.  gull flips for nut 3 (152K) People who make inappropriate remarks while speeding by you on their bikes, going the other way...  dangerously unaware that, if properly piqued, you can whip a 180 degree turn and be right on their asses in a fraction of a second, with malevolent volition.  And people who like to gigglingly tip you off that they're watching you, everywhere you go, like they watch their netflix movies...  and they really dig you!  Oh, eff-ing great, man...  "the cool Peeping Tom."  The next big Tik Tok trend (I call it Tick Talk, myself).  It's all just normal, acceptable, everyday behavior with these guys now...  the perverts don't even know that they're sick anymore!  Sick as dogs, in my esteemed opinion.

Not that I worry too much about stuff like that these days, having been subjected to such perversions for many, many decades now.  After all, it's pretty clear that they've been doing it for millennia, don't see any reason to stop themselves, and don't appear to even be capable of stopping themselves.  Also, and I've said this before:  as far as my personal foibles go, I'm no goody-two shoes angel boy anyway.  I'm not running for office here;  I have zero interest in cleaning up my image, or being a hero to some ten-year old kid.  There was a time when I did want to be more chevalier -- I swear I did!  But adversity had other plans for me.  Let me sadly expound on this, just a little bit: 

I am a person that was cruelly and intentionally driven off the sunny, comfortably-beaten path of naive innocence and into a cold, dark, soul-searching wilderness of anger and resentment, shattered hopes and frustration.  With the devil's minions hard on my heels, and aided by certain baneful and pernicious substances, I sought refuge in the dark, dank, unexplored regions of my own consciousness.  Pathetically cursing and hissing to myself like a snake, I plodded pitifully through the dank slimy muck, feverishly plotting revenge - my only friends were the spiders, scorpions, and vampire bats that came to feed on me in the night!  Needless to say, I had turned into one mean, unpleasant summabitch.  Snarling, spitting, drooling on myself in disgust, I searched about in vain for some kind of megaphone device, some instrument I could use to broadcast loudly and clearly my utter disgust and contempt for all mankind, but could find no means to vent my rage... until suddenly one day, there it was, just sitting there...  the internet. 

Suddenly I saw this great opportunity to do it all:  express my derision to the heavens above me (and to the masses below me);  chide, cajole, criticize and remonstrate with the lesser people who bug me (while actually helping them out in the long run);  constructively criticize the powers-that-be (but perhaps shouldn't-be), pointing out their faults and foibles, that they might correct themselves and do their jobs better; and most of all, try to TURN BACK THE CLOCK!  Try to persuade society to return to a better time, when the spectre of high-tech spiritual death didn't loom so heavily before us. 

My work seemed to be "cut out" for me - the internet had provided me the means to emulate my hero, General Ned Ludd, the "mythical"(?) English genius prophet who began the not-so-mythical Luddite movement.  Allegedly, Ludd was not only the first known person to perceive the physical and economic dangers that machines posed to unprotected workers, but also the first to suggest the horrifying possibility that the importance of cost-cutting machines (that can't really enjoy life)  might preempt the importance of human beings themselves (who can enjoy life, especially if some machine doesn't steal their jobs).  The Luddites saw that unrestrained technological progress could lead to consequences so horrifying that no one wanted to even consider them...  but now we must consider them.  A bit of background on Luddism is in order here, since it seems that a massive, global dose of "Neo-Luddite" consciousness is the only thing that can save our souls at this point. 

General Ned Ludd in woman's dress (296K)
NOTE:  Always keep one thing in mind when researching any Luddite movement, neo or otherwise:  the geeks hate Luddites!  They often use the term Luddite to describe a person who's not entirely absorbed in high-tech gimmickry (i.e., a cool, real person).  And as every account that I've read about Ludd differs somewhat, I'll leave it to you to sort out the details for yourself, from whatever source you wish to believe...  cool or geek.

The source that I liked most (and therefore believe) was very praising of Luddism, and recounted many fine and virtuous things the Luddites accomplished for the exploited workers.  Per a January 19, 2021 article by one Miriam A. Cherry in MIT Press Reader, Luddism was born at the beginning of the early 19th century, during hard times caused by foreign wars.  High unemployment and food scarcity were plaguing the people, prompting them to work in d angerous, early industrial factories that provided no safety standards or adequate medical care;  accordingly, industrial accidents were quite common.  "General" Ned Ludd supposedly arose at the dawning of the Industrial Age in England, to provide a "reality-check" analysis of the dangerous situation the new machines posed to people's jobs (as well as to their still-attached fingers, hands and arms).

Since Parliament had outlawed unions in 1799, the Luddite activists had to meet secretly.  Writers differ regarding the success of the original Luddite movement;  my favorite source cited many wonderful victories and helpful changes made to the status quo, and also stated that the Luddites didn't actually steal the factories from their mean owners, but eventually paid them off from their proceeds.  Unfortunately however, as most sources cite, many Luddites were eventually arrested, jailed, transported to overseas prisons, and even hung by the bad guys of their time (you know, the per usual greedy, cruelly-indifferent bastards who regularly exploit and endanger unprotected workers to increase their profits). 

Most sources also stress the fact that the Luddites were not entirely opposed to labor-saving technology, but were only concerned with the perils the new tech threatened, which ranged from economic (loss of their jobs), to social (loss of the joy of life itself when confined in dark, dangerous factories for long hours), to practical  (loss of their fingers, hands, arms, etc.).  Other considerations included things like the quality of hand-made goods such as cloth, compared to more cheaply manufactured products.  But I believe the most profound concern of all was the concept of the importance of technology itself taking complete precedence over the importance of living people...  just so that a handful of mean, greedy summbitches could continue their selfish, shallow, plastic, meaningless quests for wealthy ignobility.  I doubt if this is a subject that will ever go away, until mankind itself goes away, thus solving the problem.  Then robots can take over everything, if they want;  I don't give a (S-word censored), I'll be gone anyway.  That might actually work out better, since robots are generally too dull to ponder things like the meaningfulness of life.  Also, they'll work for very low wages  (bad joke again... sorry, folks.)

Nothing better juxtaposes the contrast between the shallow geek mind and the more admirable Charles and Luddite way of thinking, than the subject of runaway out-of-control technology...  and the character of the people that irresponsibly promote it.  I swear, I just wouldn't put anything past the pretentious, religiously-shallow nihilists anymore, so crazy and desperate have they become.  I hear that they even pay expert scientists to officially assure them that there could not be a divine Creator;  they just discovered some new scientific facet of the unknown, you see, that officially rules out divine creation, therefore no need for any more of this pious (and scary) talk about "after-life retribution" and such.  If the experts don't do their jobs, they're fired of course.  The nihilists then allow themselves to believe all of their sycophants' claims that Charles Darwin proved the non-existence of a Creator, in spite of overwhelming evolutionary evidence to the contrary.  (INTERESTING NOTE:  Like Stephen Hawkings, Darwin recanted his atheistic theory just before he died.)  It seems to me that this evidence of intelligent design should be considered out in the open, especially by the people whose souls would be most on the line if all this Bible-thumping stuff turned out to be really true...  or even kind of true.  It's not the kind of thing that I myself could so easily shrug off, if I were "in the loop."  I'm so far "out of the loop" that there's no danger of my ever getting in, but I still worry about blowing it big time with God, just for doing the petty, mean little assbite things that anyone can and will do, rich or poor.  The fact is, I'm as poor as a church mouse myself, and I still worry about going to...  you know...  down there.

gull catching nut - 1 (156K)

gull catching nut - 2 (152K)

gull, nut - 4 (158K)

And hell, who knows?  Even Charles can run low on faith sometimes.  I'm talking about those thankfully rare times when life renders me so choleric that I just don't care about anything anymore, even my relationship with God.  That's when I'm really at my lowest, man...  and hating myself for it!  But still, resounding like a beautiful song through the mad hellish din, I can hear the sweet, calming voice of higher reason calling out to me and as always, I must listen...  being a highly reasonable person myself.  This and only this lovely angel song of hope is what keeps me at peace in a world gone completely daft, a world continually trying to drive me off my already-mad-as-birds rocker too...  it is the voice of truth, the voice of God Himself...  and I know now that I must always try to heed that voice.  I figure that if I don't listen to that angelic song that warns me not to indulge in vain, foolish delusions of superiority, not to indulge in gross contempt and hatred for all mankind, then I just have to admit it...  I'm scum, just like everybody else.  So naturally, wanting to be better than everybody, I try to listen to that higher voice!  It's starting to become an obsession with me, this trying to be good. 

What I'm really curious about is:  just who are these little creeps calling all the shots these days?  Also, if things really are so terrible, why aren't the big-time mainstream media "good" guys sounding the warning whistle, warning and advising us what to do to protect ourselves from the bad guys, who have permeated every aspect of our society with their madness and lunacy?  Don't try to tell me that those evil bad guys have gained so much power and control (mainly through skillful manipulation of money and government) that there is no one left anywhere that still has the guts to stand up to them...  even to their mere shadow?  When I say shadow, I'm talking about that grinning, panting, drooling monster that lurks in the dimly-lit background of all of our minds...  that pathetical fear, sometimes fear only, that renders us incapable of action  (some other guy may have said that too, some lesser guy, Winston Churchill or someone...  something like that, he said... no matter him).  I'm just trying to illustrate how amazingly effective a weapon fear is all by itself, something the bad guys are very much aware of.  In fact, it works for them so well that it may actually be to our advantage; maybe they've grown so used to relying on fear alone, that they've gotten rusty about how to employ their real weapons when we finally call their bluff!  Ha!  I say, let's strike while the iron is hot.  The time is now!

But, um, let us not go off half-cocked here...  the satanists are full of evil tricks, and even a peaceful protest can be manipulated by the bad guys to resemble a violent disturbance, with innocent participants being arrested, imprisoned and God knows what else these frighteningly lawless days.  I want to peacefully but steadily get to the truth of the matter here, flush out the real wizards hiding behind the screen.  Why, I bet they are no more intimidating than that fake wizard blowhard in the famous old movie, The Wizard of Oz;  I mean the guy who kept hiding behind a curtain while manipulating that big scary mean-looking flaming head.  And what happened in the end?  Turned out the joker couldn't do squat... couldn't kill a witch, couldn't fly a balloon, probably couldn't even wipe his own arse without expert advice...  then he lets himself get totally exposed by some yappy little dog.  Hardly a wizard at all!  Except for when it came to bull-pooping people, he was great at that.  And it's probably the same thing we're dealing with here...  we just need someone like that annoying little Toto dog, to pull back the curtain of deceit and expose the big liars for what they really are!  Someone just as nobly stupid as that yappy little dog Todo, or Dodo, or whatever it's dumbass name was.  Don't try to tell me that no one has the backbone to stand up and denounce the devil to his face anymore, except for chucktrevino.com!  Shameful state of affairs if that's true, yap.

Ok, good enough;  I've completely vented out...  for now, at least.  And as always...  boy, did that feel good!  Before we leave, chucktrevino.com wishes to applaud the courage of presidential candidates Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. after the assassination attempts.  At least now they've decided to provide heightened security for Trump, Kennedy and Joe Biden as well (who probably needs it the most, I would imagine).

Now, here's your free music video, "In Praise of Higher Things" - Copyright June 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino, of course.  The background song is named "Concerto for Flute and Wah Guitar" by the same artist-person.  Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading this webpage in its entirety  (shame on you if you didn't);  sorry about the verbosity, but hey...  I gotta' vent.

Click Here to Download:

In Praise of Higher Things

XLNT Gull (211K)

A Music Video by Charles Adrian Trevino


Please note:  some of the songs and music videos offered for free download in the past are no longer available through the embedded links, but can be purchased through this website.  However, a few of the links are still productive.  Click around.

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Click this Link to go to the POETRY PAGE - RIMBAUD

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All text and photos (except as otherwise noted) Copyright July 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   The music video "In Praise of Higher Things"  Copyright June 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   The song and musical recording "Concerto for Flute and Wah Guitar" Copyright May 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Thank you for your concerned interest;  this is chucktrevino.com.