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XXXXXXXXXXXXXGerry Lopez, Pipeline King (358K)





- Available For Download -

Now Featuring::

Jokers, Nihilists
and Angels

Click the link below to get it for free

Charles Adrian Trevino's music and videos are available for sale through chucktrevino.com only, and will only be sold under the name Charles Adrian Trevino.  Charles does not post anything, including writings, music, music videos or photos, on any other internet medium (such as distrokid,  Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or any "mirror" websites, etc.), under any other name, AND NEVER HAS. 

And Remember:  IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU,  here...  ALWAYS!!  Thank you very much.




Hello, old friends (and all you precocious little kiddies who can read, too);  it's another not-so limited edition of chucktrevino.com, featuring a new song by Charles Adrian Trevino:  the ethereal Jokers, Nihilists and Angels  (Copyright August, 2024).  This song is a bit long, like this webpage is going to be, but measures up to standards well, I think;  otherwise I wouldn't have published it.  Only the best for my reading and listening public, that's what I always say;  no filler material from Charles! 

I would have given this song to you sooner;  however, certain instances of adversity prevented me from doing so, adversarial incidents brought about by a mysteriously sinister entity that I joshingly (but aptly, I'm afraid) refer to as "the bad guys."  Adversarial actions which include blowing poisonous airborne substances into my window every time I try to do something honorable and noble...  like criticizing them. disciples of satan - horns, not da kine (165K)   I must say, these fine fellows know a lot about things like prevailing wind direction (not exactly arcane knowledge).  Stop poisoning my air, bad guys!  You're interfering with something that wasn't meant to be molested by the likes of your ignoble selves.  Something higher, something intangibly and celestially spiritual and uplifting;  something that partakes of a mystical and elevated quality;  something that perhaps you were not meant to partake of yourselves...  but still do, with no apology or compunction, I see.  But that's just your inner (supersnoop-murderer) child, that eternal brat that never grows up and faces up to the reality of what it's done, is now doing, and will probably continue to do forever (or until you up and croak, one fine day)...  that's why you're the bad guys! 

Ok, enough remonstrating around with the bad guys (for the time being).  Before we go any futher, a brief definition of terms and acronyms used in this webpage must be supplied.  Here it is:

BG:   a bad guy.

BLP:  Blank Line People, or _______;  (also used in singular form, Blank Line Person);  a myriad assortment of misunderstood people who are understandably paranoid, and who have grown so disproportionately powerful that it is no longer safe or sane to refer to them by their usual given name, for fear of revenge.  Note:  This is not necessarily their own fault, and there are many amongst them that still try to do the right thing.  But c'est la vie.  We all have to try harder.

BGBLP:  Bad Guy Blank Line People  (also can be used in singular form, i.e.:  Bad Guy Blank Line Person).

Got it?  Ok, now it's time for the Big Caveat (Lector), since I don't like to claim responsibility for anything at all, much less influencing people to do the "right" thing.  People gotta' learn to think for themselves (although a little input from Charles now and then won't kill you)...  that's what I always say!  Also, it is a well known fact that Charles, like the young George Washington (who, being of higher character himself, admitted to cutting down cherry trees) is incapable of telling a lie (except about my age and intelligence quotient).  Now, here it is, the...

(Let The Reader Beware)

Charles (aka chucktrevino.com) is just a big, fat, uneducated, stupid fuggin' idjit, who knows nothing of the world outside of what he can see, hear, read, assimilate, figure out, unravel, and deduce for himself.  He is like some big fat drunken Bacchus who just rides merrily about on his donkey all day, giggling and swigging booze until he falls off of his poor long-suffering mount in a drunken faint, and wherever he lands and falls asleep the weather stays pleasant, sunny and balmy under a cloudless blue sky.  Thus he knows nothing about anything important, and as such, his opinions mean nothing.  But you should probably read them anyway, just to get a clearer perspective than you would from watching CNN, or some other B.S. mainstream media source.  Also, since Charles receives no revenue from conspiring benefactors (Joe Rogan I ain't!), much less from musically clueless fugginidjits who refuse to buy his excellent music and videos (but help themselves to free downloads), rendering him pennilessly innocent, he is refreshingly free from big bad guy manipulation.  Make your choices according to your own acumen.


And who would you rather believe anyway, Charles... or some no-good stinkin' bad guy?  Note the contemptuous disdain with which I continually lambast these rich, slippery gutter eels, and all the evil deeds they done;  admittedly harsh words, but once again, like young George, Charles cannot tell a lie  (that is quite simply contrary to my "honesty is the best policy" creed);  the bad guys are really, really bad, and they just love to laugh at us as they blatantly prove their evilness, over and over, while shamelessly lying through their teeth.  Or implants, whatever (bad guys don't brush their teeth!  They don't have to, they can afford to just buy more implants). 

Take the arena of politics, for example; or to be more specific, elections.  This is a time in which the bad guys absolutely go nuts when it comes to distorting facts, figures, and faces (if they don't like you, they'll publish bad or altered pictures of your face in all their major media outlets).  And take the upcoming 2024 presidential election in particular;  I must truthfully and unequivocally state that I have never seen such blatant, transparent, invidious and noxious lying, pandering and whore-mongering in my entire life!  This is probably because this particular 2024 presidential election, so I'm told, will decide whether or not the United States of America continues to go on as it was, or ceases to exist as the model of political freedom and economic opportunity that the founders originally intended it to be.  So it's understandable that with such heaviness at stake, all the normal rules of etiquette and propriety are being trampled underfoot, as the big boys have at each other (and us) with savage, beastly abandon. 

forbes cheerleaders again 7 (140K) Lies, connivery, censorship and assassination attempts seem to have become the norm, with the more satanically-confident news agencies gleefully speculating on what will happen when (not if) so-and-so is killed off.  This is not new or surprising behavior from contemptibly shallow, alarmingly heartless "business insiders," the ilk of which just love to write (and read) about how this or that great new war will generate vast riches in the stock market for savvy investors smart enough to cash in on the misery.  biz insiders cheerleaders again 2 (103K) The fact that they do this with jocular indifference to the horrible suffering caused by wars is quite typical of their disgusting kind.  The fact that the horrible suffering will only increase, as these Forbes-reading, "anything-for-profit... especially war" monsters increase their wealth and power, is pretty well assured.  Oh Lord, have mercy on us;  the business insiders surely won't, judging from their news articles.

Actually, the upcoming (already stolen?) election got me thinking about the history of this country as I know it, and just how lucky I was to be born into a relatively "bad guys-free" country, at the time that I was.  Why, just the other night I happened to watch an old Darryl Zanuck movie called "Drums Along The Mohawk," which cast a young Henry Fonda as Gil Martin, an optimistically happy young colonist striving to make a life for himself and his wife Lana during the outbreak of the American revolutionary war.  Having gotten along well with the local native Indian tribes, especially one very helpful convert to Christianity named Blueback who circulates freely amongst the tolerant white frontiersmen, Gil is unpleasantly surprised when he finds himself and his people under attack from indians armed and directed by English loyalist provocateurs, or "Tories."  As I watched the well-enacted struggles of the colonists while reclining in my comfortable, if somewhat modest bedroom, I realized that I, a hispanic indian, was the lucky beneficiary of their imperialism in so many ways;  economic opportunity, freedom of speech, religion, travel, and political choice were but a few of the benefits I had inherited, just by being born in the right place and time. 

bobs big boy shirt, 10 cents (298K)

It also occurred to me, not for the first time, that these things were not the natural scheme of things, but had been hard and painfully fought for;  quite literally ripped out of the hands of the established elites.  As I contemplated this more, I found myself moved by a feeling of immense gratitude to the colonists and founders of this country, and to God for letting me have these benefits and opportunities, having learned through the medium of books, films, and other sources just how hard life could be for less fortunate people in other countries.  I also realized that I was presently witnessing what appears to be the end of that benevolent era. 

I used to hear this unusual era referred to as some sort of "melting pot experiment," as if some extremely tolerant monarch had allowed it happen out of the kindness of his magnanimous soul, and could terminate this experiment anytime he wished.  I myself find this rather hard to believe, having learned much about the selfish nature of elite manipulators in my lifetime.  Indeed, my own somewhat pessimistic outlook on life has been largely shaped by sadistic and completely unneccessary abuses I've suffered at the hands of such badly brought-up elite bullies, who seem to be a product of overy indulgent, ultra-liberal parental and cultural misguidance that verges on insanity.  But this is not true of every monarchy;  there are noble and ignoble kings and rulers, it would seem.  I have come to firmly believe that the elite "rulers" who are now poised to take absolute control of this country (and every other country in the world excepting Russia) are definitely of the "ignoble" persuasion.  And I am starting to become very alarmed at what this portends for mankind in general (and people like myself in particular).

Let us gloss over the fact that too many politicians (like too many precocious little kiddies) can best be described nowadays as a wicked bad lot of self- and satan-serving opportunists who will willingly sell themselves, and their country, to the highest bidder, no questions asked.  Also let's forget for the time being that if they didn't do so, they would probably find their reputations (and bodies) shot to hell and back, via the aforementioned major media outlet owners (that's how bad things tina peters, 9 year sentence for investigating election fraud 3 (111K) are getting these days!).  What I would like to suggest is the possibility that some of these politicians and judges, our trusted protectors, might themselves be the victims of some kind of bizarre brain implant technology, some graphene quantum dot nano-router microchip or something (I don't know nothin' about that geek crap, man), which, when stimulated by some other geekish 5G-electromagnetic field or pulse, can induce things ranging from hypnotized obedience, to severe pain.  Such gentle persuasion might cause said politicians (or any other useful puppet) to think twice about doing anything other than obey secret, evil commands, which might be sounding in their ear via some micro-earbud implant or something, I don't know man.  Things are getting so fuggin' pathetically absurd that I don't even want to think about it.  But a few years back, I remember watching a video of police arresting Eric Coomer, the highly-suspect guy behind the Dominion voting machine scandal, who has been accused of manipulating the 2020 presidential election by illegally and treasonably putting the machines online (among other misdeeds), which accusation was emphatically denied by all concerned, then dropped completely from any discussion in the mainstream media news outlets.  But that's not why he had been arrested.

It seems that Coomer had inexplicably driven his car into the front doors of some bar or restaurant, then walked away in some sort of hypnotized daze.  Footage of police interviewing him showed Coomer to be fully articulate, but with a strange, faraway expression on his face which suggested some sort of intoxication.  According to the Gateway Pundit article and video, no traces of drugs or alcohol were found in his bloodstream, and I immediately imagined some sort of bizarre geek mind-control scenario (Gateway Pundit might not still be airing the video, however, as they were subsequently hit with an astoundingly ridiculous [but Tina Peters, 9 years for investigating election fraud (192K) very revealing] 1.3 billion dollar lawsuit, and soon afterward changed the tone of their reporting...  for the worse.  Many other parties demanding an investigation into the seemingly stolen election were also hit with lawsuits exceeding a billion dollars.  The smaller fish were let off with "slap on the wrist" fines and/or imprisonment, such as Tina Peters, an election official who recently got hit with a 9 year jail sentence for trying to investigate election interference in Colorado [which was part of her job].  Go figure it out for yourself).

In furtherance of this wild crazy mind-control theory which, incidentally, the World Economic Forum has reportedly already admitted it wants to do, I would also cite the example of Alejandro Mayorkas, who recently survived a massive impeachment attempt, thanks to our democratic "saviors of the country" in Congress.  Upon doing a bit of research, I was surprised to find that Mayorkas seemed to have started out on a sane, honorable, perhaps even heroic path, championing causes that even Charles (who hates everything) himself might approve of, such as protecting the elderly from bad guy fraud schemes.  Then, a few months after his February 2, 2021 appointment as Secretary of the Dept. of Homeland Security by the hellbent Biden administration, Mayorkas tested positive for Covid-19 and began doing questionable things, such as failing to address a blatant bad guy attempt to flood the country with desperate immigrants (who carried along with them a highly questionable criminal element), which even a "crazed-liberal" democrat would have to honestly admit was meant to destabilize and re-populate the country with people highly unlikely to vote conservative.  He also refused to grant secret service protection to presidential candidate RFK, Jr. five times, apparently due to RFK Jr.'s immense wealth (RFK Jr.'s seven children cannot even afford to buy a house anymore!).  Among other things. 

Could Mayorkas have been the victim of nano-whatever implants that altered his mental state?  You tell me;  like I just disavowedly stated, I am nothing but a big fuggin' idjit who entertains wild and crazy theories.  But if you are the type who is keeping pace, even a little bit, with all the weird new geek technologies which are springing up everywhere, you might not be able to so easily dismiss this nightmarish possibility.  All I know is what I see, and I see this detrimentally high-tech country going down the tubes fast, as they used to say.

ring of fire street takeover (167K)

But getting back to the subject of elections...  what I really would like to yap about is the henious way in which even the rare "good" politician must pander to the lowest of the low, in order to get votes.  I quite simply cannot believe some of the low-life talk show and podcast hosts which even the best of pols have to cozy up to, to get their media exposure.  Even if they sacrifice their principles for a good cause, it's still a nauseating thing to watch.  I can remember years back when, after endorsing Donald Trump for POTUS, I read what might have been a comical (if it hadn't have been so sad) account of Axle Rose, the David Geffen-created leader of the ridiculous cock-up, has-been "rock" band Guns and Roses, who was protesting the unauthorized use of one of his fecal songs at a Trump rally.  What was comical about this, was that most of Trump's more fecal supporters probably found Axle's indignation hard to understand.  After all, they probably wondered, wasn't Axle Rose one of them?  I mean with all his mean, inflammatory lyrics slamming blacks, gays, and everyone else they hated?  Why would Axle turn on them like this?  I hate to state the dreadful truth, but here it is:  most people don't know a thing about the worms that bring them their odious guns and roses/seinfeld-type entertainment;  if they did, they might think twice about hero-worshipping some legendary no-talent jerk, while enriching and empowering the worm that created him, thus contributing to their own demise.

Then there was the more recent fecal incident where supporters of both Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (whose high-class comportment I respect and admire, and who selflessly pulled out of the election so as not to undermine Trump's campaign) had improperly used another fecal song, this one by the rock god from hell (95K) legendary no-talent punk band the Foo fighters.  It seems that the rally directors had neglected to obtain the permission of this very august and honorable American punk band;  accordingly, they were properly chastised by the band's big fat phony leader (Dave Groll, or Growl, something like that), who consoled his very musical fans by promising to donate the song's (and video's) proceeds to Kamala Harris!  Like she needed more money.  Alarmed, I forced myself to watch the MTV-style (i.e., insane) music video to hear the lyrics of this faux rock song, "My Hero."  Sadly, the video appeared to be mocking the brave and noble firefighters that regularly save our lives and property.  Viva MTV.

However, nothing bugged me more than when I read about how Graham Nash, a member of the 1970's classic rock band Crosby, Stills and Nash, stopped RFK, Jr. from using his song "Chicago" (we can chaaaange the world!) at one of his rallies. Could it be the good "David Geffen people" - the music industry moguls - manipulating their much obliged puppets again?  Nah, he don't do things like that... get lost!  Still, it was a disgusting thing to see old Graham being so obviously manipulated to do something that went against his 1970's "hippie cool" creed.  Chances are he didn't want to end up like his ex-bandmate Neil Young, who a few years back took his music off of Spotify, in protest of Joe Rogan's spreading misinformation about the pandemic or something, and was immediately subjected to the "geffen treatment."  Vile attacks in the media ensued, which included printing edited statements out of context, and the usual tactic...  putting up the worst pictures of Neil they could conjure up (alter up?).  Later I found out that Spotify's biggest shareholder was also the biggest shareholder of Moderna, the highly-suspect big pharma giant accused of vaccine poisoning crimes.  Go figure it out.  It seemed like a repeat of what Neil suffered in the 1980's, when he tried to get out of his hellish contract with Geffen, and got his butt sued off by the big man.

A quick word must be said about this strange little manipulator, David Geffen (who was a major contributor to Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential election campaign).  This Guns and Roses-profiting multi-billionaire seems to perfectly represent the embodiment and validation of every negative thing the BLP (Blank Line People) are accused of being by their legions of furious detractors.  His kind represent a profound danger and menace to the more intelligent and sane BLP, and insane worm posse strikes again (169K) they should all wake up and realize just exactly what kind of BGBLP is giving them all a bad name.  I truly believe that if the ______ could somehow muster up the courage (and class) to see these entertainment industry (and other) worms for what they truly are, and reject them instead of obsequiously currying their wretched favor, they would have much less reason to be so self-loathingly ashamed of themselves (if they're even smart enough to know what is shameful, and I'm sure some of them are).  The more intelligent BLP must be made to understand the serious damage that these sick-sick-sicks (say it fast and you'll get it) people are doing to their overall image.  The disgustingly greedy, shallow, vulgar and obnoxious entertainment industry moguls set a perfect example of everything a decent human being should strive to avoid becoming.  For that reason they are worth studying, if you can bear to do so.  I myself cannot condescend to do such a thing anymore...  I just try to forget that the BGBLP exist, whenever I can manage it.  Besides, I know them well enough already.

thank God for the ACLU (104K)

even CNN hates sick cracked art (110K)

Garbage pail sick wierdo art - 4 (66K)

satanic schoolkids, just what we need (178K)

sick garbage pail art wierdo - 9 (89K)

netflix filth, top 10 maxed out shows (99K)

just do me (99K)

satan's right hand man (242K)

Sorry about all that.  Now, as I was saying, political elections, as you can clearly see, can be sordid and disgusting affairs, which is why a hell of a lot of people take no part in them (myself generally included).  However, we have presently come to a really dangerous crossroads, it would seem.  Presidential elections have become a sordid reflection of the deteriorating social condition of this and other countries;  politicians are going way beyond "sordid" now to get votes, whether they want to or not.  I just read that Kamala Harris (who seems to want to) not only saw fit to interview with the legendary mental retard Howard Stern, but later also got drunk on Miller High Life, on a talk show hosted by none other than Stephen Colbert!  If you're clueless (or evil) enough to watch comic shows like Jimmy Kimmel or Stephen Colbert, you might have seen them merrily joking about the incredibly violent assault on Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, by his obviously coerced next-door neighbor.  Although this hitman-style attack (which was followed by a suicidal gunman's attempt) was clearly politically motivated, Kimmel, Colbert and other lunatics justified this heniously criminal act by virtue of the fact that Dr. Rand Paul refused to keep submitting to an endless line of Covid vaccinations, since he had already been vaxxed.  Rand Paul (and RFK, Jr.) both stand as perfect examples of the type of leader that would have prevented this type of BGBLP political, economic and cultural madness from ever festering out of control, the way it has now.  If you approve of this type of "entertainment," for any reason, you are most definitely a SCUMBAG.  That is not "my opinion."  That is a fact.

In truth, the world as we know it is generally such an imperfect, satanically evil place in space, that not even the most incorruptible of leaders could thwart the devil's will;  but I believe a good leader can put a good sized dent in his armour, and that is all we can ask or expect, really.  And if you ask me why I am voting for Trump this time around, I will answer:  because RFK, Jr. endorses him.  Period.  To vote for Kamala Harris seems to be akin to signing this "free" country's death warrant.  She has already stated that she agreed with everything the Biden Administration did, and will continue in the same path.  In case you don't watch non-mainstream media (I still consider The Epoch Times to be a non-mainstream news source, with certain reservations), here are some of the types of things a future Harris Administration has said and intimated it will keep on doing:

*     Not only continue, but increase funding for the allegedly NATO-instigated war in Ukraine, which to date amounts to $________________ (CHUCK:  GET).  There are a few other minor factors to consider here besides imminent bankruptcy, one being that Putin has stated that NATO is virtually holding a knife to Russia's throat, and he will resist to the end, holding all contributing entities responsible for the aggression against Russia (that means US, folks).  As RFK, Jr. has pointed out, Russia has already been invaded numerous times through bordering countries such as Ukraine and Belarus, the last time in World War II, which resulted in the deaths of 1 out of every 7 Russians;  so you can see the dire situation Putin is facing.  Russia currently holds the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the entire world, according to credible sources.  Now I have heard all the wild rumors, that all of the world's major leaders are conspiratorial freemasons that secretly get together and plan out these wars;  if that is believable, then it's safe to assume that they will not willingly plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust.  However, I myself believe that even if sane leaders oppose the destruction of civilization, some idiotic A.I. program that has been put in charge of everything will make a mistake, as they are now doing left and right when used in slightly less dangerous applications.  Therefore, given all the facts, I would say that the U.S. should pull completely out of the Ukraine war, let the Russian-speaking "Ukranian" territories decide for themselves whether they want to fight for their so-called "independence," and invest some of the money that was earmarked for mass destruction in more helpful, humanitarian pursuits that would benefit both Ukraine and Russia.  This would probably result in  1)  non-U.S. bankruptcy and loss of sovereignty;  2)  better foreign relations with Russia, whose leaders have continually stated that they want an end to the insane, but very profitable arms race, so that they can apply that astronomically huge war budget to helping out their own people (gee, what a good idea, Kamala!);  3)  less suicidal ideation in young (and older) people in many countries, including those in the U.S. who, like me, are suffering from a massive guilt complex for the aggression this country, via bad guy financial manipulation, has visited upon non-threatening countries around the world;  4) many other benefits too numerous to list here.

*     Continue funding gain-of-function research by the dreaded NIH to create monstrous bioweapon diseases that somehow "leak" out of laboratories (the devastating COVID and other tragedies were completely paid for by the same taxpayers they are currently destroying);

*     Continue the blatant, wide-open border policies that have resulted in a huge reshaping of this country's population (for the worse, in my empirical opinion) for profitable, not compassionate reasons;

*     Continue creating lax election rules that make it possible for even dead people to vote (now that's what I call inclusion!);

*     Continue the insane Dept. of Education mandated "rip your child away from you and send a SWAT team to your door if you don't allow it happen" sexual transgender brainwashing, that has resulted in the suicides of many despairing, utterly confused young people;

*     Continue...  sorry;  there are many, many more items to list, but I'm getting too sick to go on with this.  Maybe later, if I'm still alive.

INSERT MORE RFK STUFF HERE: gaza genocide, ukraine israel "defense" funding, cost of chronic diseases, big pharma, tech,

Click Here to Download:

Jokers, Nihilists and Angels
Copyright September 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino


Please note:  some of the songs and music videos offered for free download in the past are no longer available through the embedded links, but can be purchased through this website.  However, a few of the links are still productive.  Click around.

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Click this Link to go to the FREE SONG PAGE - ROLL A SUCKER

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Click this Link to go to the SURVIVAL GUIDE PAGE

Click this Link to go to the SCARY WORLD PAGE

Click this Link to go to the FREE ALL LIVES MATTER SONG PAGE

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Click this Link to go to the POETRY PAGE - BAUDELAIRE

Click this Link to go to the POETRY PAGE - RIMBAUD

Click this Link to go to the OLD 2018 WEBPAGES


All text Copyright October 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   The song "Jokers, Nihilists and Angels" Copyright September 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino.  Help, somebody get me an ambulance! (gasp, gag)   this is chucktrevino.com.